Friday, October 26, 2012

Little Angel Amalka

A new Angel visited us. Here you can see a link to written pattern for this nice, self-standing angel - Amalka who brings love and happines to every home.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Little Angel Lavender

One cute little angel came to us. Her name is Lavender and she actually has s little piece of lavender in her tummy so when you touch her, she gives out pleasant smell. The pattern to this cute little thing is available now on Ravelry.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hat for a small witch

One more Halloween crochet pattern is here. It is a pattern for a hat for witch costume. The circumference is 48-55cm and it can be adjusted very easily for bigger or smaller one. Trick or treat! :-) If you are interested in the pattern, have a look to our Ravelry store

Pumpkin decoration

Do you like autumn? I love it! I love especially the Indian summer which smells so nice, has wonderful colors... and well... it does come with plenty of opportunities to decorat. That I do love to. One of the small thing you can make is this pumpkin. As usually you can get it on our Ravelry store: